外贸平台  /  跟单 / 外贸英语询盘信怎么写?这篇文章教你一步步写出高效的询盘信





1. 明确目的。在写外贸英语询盘信之前,你要明确自己的目的是什么,是想了解对方的产品信息,还是想获取对方的报价,或者是想索取对方的样品等。根据不同的目的,你可以选择不同的询盘方式,如普通询盘、具体询盘、紧急询盘等。

2. 开门见山。在写外贸英语询盘信时,你要开门见山地表达自己的需求,不要绕弯子或者拐弯抹角。你可以在开头就说明自己是从哪里得知对方的产品或公司信息,以及自己对该产品或公司感兴趣的原因。这样可以让对方知道你是一个有诚意和有目标的客户,而不是一个随意或者无聊的客户。

3. 详细说明。在写外贸英语询盘信时,你要详细说明自己想要了解或获取的信息,如产品规格、数量、价格、付款方式、交货期、包装方式等。这样可以让对方更容易理解你的需求,并且更快地给你回复。同时,你也要提供自己的联系方式,如姓名、公司名称、地址、电话、邮箱等,以便对方与你联系。

4. 保持礼貌。在写外贸英语询盘信时,你要保持礼貌和尊重的态度,不要使用过于随意或者过于强硬的语气。你可以使用一些礼貌用语,如please, thank you, we appreciate, we look forward to等。同时,你也要注意使用正确和规范的英语语法和拼写,避免出现错误或者歧义。




Dear Sir/Madam,

We are a trading company based in China, and we are interested in your products. We have learned from your website that you are a leading manufacturer of [product name] in [country name].

We would like to know more about your products, such as the specifications, prices, minimum order quantity, delivery time, payment terms, etc. Could you please send us your latest catalogue and quotation?

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

[Your name]

[Your company name]

[Your contact information]


Dear Sir/Madam,

We are a trading company based in China, and we are interested in your products. We have learned from your website that you are a leading manufacturer of [product name] in [country name].

We are looking for [product name] with the following specifications:

- Size: [size]

- Color: [color]

- Material: [material]

- Quantity: [quantity]

Could you please quote us your best price based on FOB [port name]? Also, please advise us the delivery time, payment terms, and packing details.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

[Your name]

[Your company name]

[Your contact information]


Dear Sir/Madam,

We are a trading company based in China, and we are interested in your products. We have learned from your website that you are a leading manufacturer of [product name] in [country name].

We have an urgent order for [product name] with the following specifications:

- Size: [size]

- Color: [color]

- Material: [material]

- Quantity: [quantity]

Could you please confirm if you have this product in stock and can ship it within [time period]? Also, please quote us your best price based on CIF [port name]. We need your reply as soon as possible.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

[Your name]

[Your company name]

[Your contact information]


