外贸平台  /  语言 / 外贸英语:如何安排谈判并掌握关键词汇及表达





- 约定(appoint):在商务场合中,约定是非常重要的。我们需要确保双方都同意约定的时间、地点等细节。

- 日程表(calendar):为了确保谈判进行顺利,需要提前制定详细的日程安排。

- 延期(delay):在商务谈判中,有时候会遇到计划的改变或延期,因此应对这种情况做好心理准备。

- 讨论(discussion):谈判过程中的讨论是非常重要的,通过讨论可以达成共识和协议。

- 势在必行的(imperative):在商务谈判中,有些事项是势在必行的,必须要解决的问题。

- 协议(protocol):达成协议是谈判的最终目标,需要双方共同努力。

- 计划表(schedule):为了确保谈判的顺利进行,我们需要提前制定详细的计划安排。


- 开夜车(burn the midnight oil):“为了准备明天的谈判,今晚我们得开夜车。”

- 拖延(drag on):“这个问题不能再拖下去了,我想坐飞机过去,与您见面来解决这一问题。”

- 草拟(rough out):“方案已经草拟出来了,但还要进行讨论和修改。”

- 预定日期(target date):“我们设定了一个预定日期,希望在这之前解决所有问题。”

- 悬而未决(up in the air):“我们的谈判安排还没定下来吗?”


1. 一个方案已经草拟出来了,但还要进行讨论和修改。

A scheme has been roughed out but it has yet to be discussed and amended.

2. 如果你们现在方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。

It's just the matter of the schedule, that is, if it is convenient for you right now.

3. 这个问题不能再拖下去了,我想坐飞机过去,与您见面来解决这一问题。

This matter cannot be dragged on. I am willing to fly to see you just to resolve this issue.

4. 我们必须确定下次讨论的日期。

We must appoint a day for the next discussion.

5. 我们的谈判安排还没定下来吗?

Is our arrangement for negotiation still up in the air?

6. 您愿意为了我们接下来的会谈把未来几天空出来吗?

Would you like to clear your calendars of the next few days for our following talks?

7. 恐怕明天的计划有变,我刚听说您和我们经理的约会必须延迟了。

I'm afraid there's been a change in tomorrow's program. I have just got a word that your appointment with our manager will have to be delayed . 


The idea would be to bring everything into readiness by a target date .


A: Is our arrangement for negotiation still up in the air?

B: No, we have appointed a day for the next discussion. Let's talk about the schedule now if it is convenient for you.

A: Sure, I have cleared my calendar for the next few days for our following talks. 

B: Great, I'm afraid there's been a delay in tomorrow's program, but we will try to bring everything into readiness by the target date. 



